Symmetric Capital

Investment Strategy

Symmetric Capital invests in growing, profitable companies throughout the U.S. and Canada. Typically owned by their founders, a family, or a small partnership, these businesses have already achieved notable market and financial success, yet their owners and managers choose to bring in a new partner – with capital, relevant experience, deep networks, and a strong track record of collaborative relationships – to build even stronger companies and greater equity value.

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Investment Criteria

Symmetric seeks to invest in and work with proven, profitable, growing businesses. Typically, these companies share the following characteristics:

  • Revenues of at least $10 million, and EBITDA of $2 million or more
  • Management team largely in place and eager to retain or increase their equity ownership
  • Leading market position, sustainable competitive advantages, and continued opportunities for profitable growth
  • Low to modest capital intensity
  • No prior institutional funding
  • Equity capital need of $5-25 million (larger equity investments can be funded through co-investments by our limited partners or other investors)
  • Private company or division of a larger entity
  • Headquarters in the United States or Canada

Our experience, resources, and streamlined decision process allow us to act quickly and decisively to structure and close investments that meet these criteria.